Can I check the status of my order?

We will send you an order confirmation email immediately after receiving your order, so you get verification that your order was properly received. We will also send you a shipment confirmation email when your order leaves our warehouse. If you have registered, You can also check your order status in your account.


What if I don't know how to install?

You could reach to our customer service(support@bigcountryoffroading.com) for detailed instruction or watch some of the helpful videos on our site. 


Does BC Offroading charge sales tax?

Sales tax is calculated at checkout.


Where can I input my coupon code?I can't find it in cart page?

If there is a coupon code available, you can input the coupon code after clicking "check out". The input box is not in cart page but is on the checkout page.


What is your shipping policy?

You can check out our Shipping Policy Page at the bottom of the site.


What is your return policy?

Our return policy lasts 30 days. For more information, you could check out our Return Policy page.


What payment method do you accept?

We accept payment via American Express, Apple Pay, Master, Visa, PayPal, and many more.


How do you protect my information?

BC Offroading is committed to keep your personal information safe and private.Your data is stored through Shopify's data storage, databases and the general Shopify application. They store your data on a secure server behind a firewall. For more info, please check out in our privacy policy page


How can I contact someone at BC Offroading?

You could use the live chat in the bottom right corner to talk to us. 

Meanwhile, you could email us at support@bigcountryoffroading.com or call at 480-710-2139

Please message us during hours of operation for the quickest response. 


Mon-Fri      8-4pm

Sat            11-3pm

Sun           CLOSED